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        1: General
        2: Price
        3: Promotional Materials
        4: Additional costs
        5: Warranty
        6: Warranty

        Procedure Any complaint in respect of the distribution must be made in writing providing the name and full address (including 4 digit post code) of any alleged non delivery and must be received by the Company within seven days of the Finish Date of the distribution giving full details of the complaint alleged. If the complaint is not received within that period the Company will not be able to undertake the appropriate action to investigate and remedy the complaint and the Company will not be liable to the Client for the complaint or any claim loss cost liability expense or demand arising there from.

        7: Limitation of liability
        8: Disclaimer for Accuracy of GPS units:

        GPS tracking unit may at times provide an erroneous reading because of one or all the reasons below

        9: Force Majeure

        In the event the Company is unable to perform its obligations under the terms of this contract despite having taken commercially reasonable precautions. Any delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God, war, civil commotion, fire or other casualty, labour difficulties, shortages of labour, materials or government regulations, or other causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control shall not be counted in determining the time during which work shall be completed, whether or such time be designated by a fixed date, a fixed time or “a reasonable time”. In such circumstances , the company shall not be considered in breach of this Contract to the extent that performance is prevented by an Event of Force Majeure
        The Company will inform the Client as soon as reasonably possible of any such occurrence.

        10: Third Parties

        Each Contract will only confer rights and benefits on the Client and no third party can acquire rights or benefits under the Contract or these Conditions.

        11: Assignment

        The Contract may not be assigned by the Client, but the Company may assign or sub-contract all or any or its rights or obligations.

        12: Waiver

        Any waiver by the Company of any breach of these Conditions or a Contract by the Client will not be treated as waiving any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

        13: Entire Agreement

        These Conditions and the documents referred to in them, set out the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any previous agreements between the Parties relating to the subject matter of these Conditions. The Client acknowledges that in entering into a Contract subject to these Conditions, it has not relied on any representation, warranty, agreement or statement not set out in these Conditions and that (in the absence of fraud) it will not have any right or remedy arising out of any such representation, warranty, agreement or statement and that its only remedy for breach of these Conditions is for breach of contract under the terms of these Conditions.

        14 Law

        This agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws in NSW and the Parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the NSW Courts in the event of a dispute.