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        What are the most effective channels of advertising?

        TV \ Social Media \ Radio \ Catalogues?

        Catalogues continue to hold strong industry value and remain a powerful and cost-effective media channel. Retailers leverage buying power, defined distribution and seasonal campaigns to gain the Greatest Return on Investment (ROI) for marketing spend.


        In these days of Internet shopping and ‘No Junk Mail’ stickers on letterboxes, the fact that 70% of Australians aged 14+ read printed catalogues is perhaps surprising especially when compared to the relatively low number (11%) who read online catalogues according to the latest Roy Morgan research

        Catalogues rank as the highest influencer above all other channels

        Top 10 Most Effective Advertising Channels

        The findings debunk the modern advertising myth that connections made via digital channels are all that matter. On the contrary: catalogues and flyers, TV, press, radio and direct mail all ranked above digital channels in the minds of consumers when it came to perceived effectiveness. Across the board, channels that were ranked lower in effectiveness were social media advertising, online display ads and telemarketing.

        The first digital channel appears only at number 5 in the effectiveness rankings!

        This is further confirmed by the fact that of the Top Five channels ranked by Australians, three have experienced declines in advertising spend over the past twelve months


        • Roy Morgan Single Source, Jan-Dec 2013
        • Australia Post White paper – Views on media channels, June 2014
        • Nielsen, 2014
        • BDA Marketing Planning, 2014.
        • Roy Morgan Research Single Source (Australia) April 2013 – March 2014
        • Annual Catalogue Industry Report 2013/14